Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spanking His Teenage Daughters Do Britany, Paris, And Lindsay Need A Spanking?

Do Britany, Paris, and Lindsay need a spanking? - spanking his teenage daughters

I think if Britney behaving, Paris, Lindsay and all the other girls are bad, they should not put that act this way. I know I sound very outdated and sexist especially from a woman, but girls, especially girls, need and a beating. More than the men. It's a bit ridiculous and absurd to spank children was once like in the case, where only 13 rebels and laughing did not hurt, they just over it. But I had myself in culture market until he was 18 and was still learning and I am grateful for all. My husband and I take our teenage daughters, and never a problem. I think the prejudice against blows started 20-30 years ago, the girls act wild, horny and rough. Used to hesitate not a mother or father, their 16, 17 or even her daughter climbed onto his lap and the butt of his bust. Heck, even the older movies, would you spanking a woman or a young woman. Because it works! Sorry for the rant, but I see a parallel between the struggle against the tendencies of the spanking and girls to behaveEvil tendencies. As my mother once said: "A girl is never too old for a spanking." Anyone else with me?

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