Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ontario Boating Card Cheapest With The New Ontario Boating Stuff Going On This Summer, What Age Do I Have To Be To Get My Boating Lisence?

With the new Ontario boating stuff going on this summer, what age do I have to be to get my Boating Lisence? - ontario boating card cheapest

What the law of Canada said ... is that (regardless of age), if there is sufficient competition in order to pass the test PCOC - you can get your navigation license. Everyboater card must have a PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operator).
However, if you under 16 years, there are restrictions on the type, size, and HP (or kW) of the ship is - and always under the direct supervision of an adult.
* For example: if you have 8 years of age (16 years) and you and your grandfather fishing with his small fishing boat outboard motor - and the possibility of the boot drive - and grandfather, both must have a PCOC.
* The fines are very steep

As of September 15, 2009 daily skipper in Canada are required to have the card craft operator pleasure to drive a motorboat. There is no clause, grandfather or age exemption - this law applies to all boaters. Powered watercraft includes watercraft fitted with an engine size - also drives an electric motor.

The CCEP is required for sailboats, if you have installed an auxiliary engine yourr sailboat.

The following link you will receive all the information you need to know and a link to the study and the test.

Boating safe!
Captain John

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